Course curriculum

    1. Orcas in the Salish Sea

    2. Welcome!

    3. Introduction

    4. Course Overview & Goals

    1. Introduction

    2. Materials Needed

    3. For Printing - Activity: Explore my Estuary - PDF

    4. For Printing - Activity: Place Names Matter - PDF

    5. Brainstorm!

    6. LESSON 1: The Salish Sea

    7. What is the Salish Sea?

    8. Sea vs. Ocean

    9. Quiz! Identifying different types of World Seas

    10. Major Bodies of Water

    11. Where the River & Ocean meet

    12. Species in the Salish Sea

    13. Diversity of the Salish Sea

    14. Activity - Explore my Estuary

    15. Review - Lesson 1: Salish Sea

    16. LESSON 2: The Coast Salish Peoples

    17. Connections

    18. Who are the Coast Salish peoples?

    19. We are Salish

    20. Culture & Environment

    21. Activity - Interpreting Coast Salish Artwork

    22. People of the Salish Sea

    23. Naming the Sea

    24. *Reflection

    25. Activity - Place Names Matter

    26. Keepers of the Land and Waters

    27. Review - Lesson 2: Coast Salish Peoples

    28. Congratulations! You've earned your first badge!

    1. Introduction

    2. Materials Needed

    3. For Printing - Activity: Build Your Own Food Web - PDF

    4. Lesson 1: Orca Overview

    5. Activity: Know, Wonder, and Learn

    6. Introduction to Orcas True or False

    7. Evolution of Orcas

    8. Activity: Know, Wonder, Learn: Evolution

    9. Orca Communication: Vocalizations

    10. Northern Resident Orca Vocalizations

    11. Orca Communication: Echolocation

    12. Activity: Know, Wonder, Learn: Communication

    13. Activity: Guess the Behaviour

    14. Activity: Know, Wonder, Learn: Behaviour

    15. Review - Lesson 1: Orca Overview

    16. Lesson 2: Ecotypes

    17. Orca Ecotypes

    18. Other Orca Ecotypes

    19. Other Orca Ecotypes - PDF

    20. Natural Selection

    21. Food Webs

    22. Activity: Build Your Own Food Web

    23. Activity: Build Your Own Food Web - Answers

    24. Reflection

    25. Diet & Hunting

    26. Wave Washing

    27. Orca Anatomy Overview

    28. Activity: Orca Anatomy Fill in the Blanks

    29. Activity: Orca Anatomy Fill in the Blanks - Answers

    30. Anatomy of the Ecotypes

    31. Other Orca Ecotypes - PDF

    32. Activity: Guess the Ecotype

    33. Review - Lesson 2: Ecotypes

    34. Bonus Lesson: Join the Pod

    35. Learn to Draw!

    36. How to Draw a Killer Whale

    37. Share Your Work!

    38. Congratulations! You've earned your second badge!

    1. Introduction

    2. Materials Needed

    3. For Printing - Activity: Research Crossword - PDF

    4. Lesson 1: Relationships & Culture

    5. Relationships

    6. Intelligence

    7. Social Structure - Part 1

    8. Inside the Killer Whale Matriarchy

    9. Social Structure - Part 2

    10. Similarities - Part 1

    11. Similarities - Part 2

    12. *Reflection

    13. Coast Salish Connections - Part 1

    14. Importance of Language

    15. Coast Salish Connections - Part 2

    16. Review - Lesson 1: Relationships & Culture

    17. Lesson 2: Southern Residents: Diving Deeper

    18. Meet the Southern Resident Killer Whale

    19. Population Levels

    20. How Do We Know How Many Southern Residents There Are?

    21. Orca Identification

    22. Meet the Pods

    23. Transient and Southern Resident Killer Whales in the Salish Sea

    24. Why is the SRKW Population Declining?

    25. Reflection: Why Don't Southern Residents Eat Something Else?

    26. A New View on Killer Whales

    27. Reflection: The Importance of SRKWs

    28. The Importance of SRKWs - Part 1

    29. Why Are Killer Whales Important?

    30. The Importance of SRKWs - Part 2

    31. Activity: Research Crossword

    32. Activity: Research Crossword - Answers

    33. Review - Lesson 2: Southern Residents: Diving Deeper

    34. Congratulations! You've earned your third badge!

    1. Introduction

    2. Materials Needed

    3. Mind Map

    4. What is a Species at Risk?

    5. Species at Risk - Terms

    6. Quiz! Species at Risk

    7. Reflection: Why are orcas considered species at risk?

    8. Lesson 1: Threats - Noise Pollution

    9. What is Underwater Noise Pollution?

    10. Causes?

    11. Underwater Noise Pollution

    12. Activity: How Can YOU Help Killer Whales?

    13. Activity: How YOU Can Reduce Noise Pollution

    14. 1. Shop Local

    15. 2. Write letters to the government to establish Marine Protected Areas (MPA)

    16. *Optional - Community Extension Challenge

    17. Review: Threat - Noise Pollution

    18. Lesson 2: Threats - Water Pollution

    19. How We Impact Water Health

    20. Quiz: Polluting Products...

    21. Activity: What's in your home?

    22. Optional: Family Extension Challenge

    23. Water Pollution: A Threat to Killer Whales

    24. Bioaccumulation

    25. Contaminated Food Chains

    26. Activity: How Can YOU Help Killer Whales?

    27. Activity: How YOU Can Reduce Water Pollution

    28. 1. Clean Up Your Community

    29. 2. Use Ocean Friendly Products

    30. Review: Threat - Water Pollution

    31. Congratulations! You've earned your fourth badge!

    1. Introduction

    2. Materials Needed

    3. *Transition

    4. Kahoot - Killer Whale Review

    5. 3-2-1 Summary

    6. Becoming an Environmental Steward

    7. To fight noise pollution, you could...

    8. To fight water pollution, you could...

    9. Time For Art!

    10. Example: Be the Exception

    11. Feedback Survey and Share Your Project With Us

    12. Congratulations! You've earned your last badge!

    13. Conclusion

    14. Certificate of Completion

    15. Certificate of Completion - Download

    16. Deepest Thanks

About this course

  • Free
  • 151 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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