Course curriculum

Inspire Young People to Become Champions of the Ocean! Awesome Animals is an 8-lesson, interactive multimedia program, designed to keep all types of learners engaged and motivated to become environmental champions and defenders of the sea! Our team of biologists and educators capture the attention of students through videos; students then apply their knowledge via problem-based learning, expressing their ocean knowledge in creative ways by making comics, postcards and short stories. Learners are inspired to develop critical thinking skills with at-home experiments and challenges. Students are able to connect what they have learned with the world around them.

    1. Demographic Survey - Please complete before proceeding!

    2. Welcome to Ocean Defender - Awesome Animals!

    3. Activity Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    4. Colouring Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    1. Activity Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    2. I found something at the beach...

    3. This is what I found!

    4. Let's learn how we can protect our ocean!

    5. Welcome to Lesson 1!

    6. What is an Ocean Defender?

    7. An Ocean Defender is....

    8. Ready to Play a Game?

    9. Quizlet: Ocean Animal Match

    10. Activity Time: Your Favourite Marine Animal

    11. Dr. E tells us more about herself

    12. A Marine Biologist Is...

    13. Activity Time: Marine Biologist Word Search

    14. What does a Marine Biologist Do?

    15. Video: Tagging Penguins in Antarctica

    16. What was Doug Doing?

    17. What Qualities Does a Marine Biologist Need to Have?

    18. Marine Biologist's Qualities

    19. What qualities do YOU share with marine biologists?

    20. Your First Challenge!

    21. Congratulations! You’ve Earned Your First Badge!

    22. Sea Survival Workshop Review

    23. See You Next Time!

    1. Activity Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    2. Whale-come to Lesson 2!

    3. Video: Bellyflop!

    4. Fun Facts About Humpbacks: 2 Truths and a Lie

    5. Video: Why do Humpback Whales breach?

    6. Fun Facts About Humpbacks: 2 Truths and a Lie

    7. Identifying Humpbacks by Examining Their Flukes


    9. Activity Time: Design Flukes Unique to You!

    10. Activity Time: Humpback Whale Word Search

    11. Create a Fin-tastic Comic!

    12. How Do Whales Communicate?

    13. Video: Why do whales sing?

    14. Noise Pollution: A Threat to Humpback Whales

    15. Noise Pollution: A Threat to Humpback Whales

    16. Can You Hear Me?

    17. Can You Hear Me: Round 1

    18. Can You Hear Me: Round 2

    19. Quizlet: Humpback Fact Match

    20. How Can YOU Help Humpbacks?

    21. How YOU Can Reduce Noise Pollution

    22. Shop Local

    23. Ask Officials for Help

    24. Keep Learning - and Teach Others!

    25. Reporter's Notebook

    26. Test Yourself on Quizlet!

    27. Your Mission and Challenge!

    28. Congratulations! You’ve Earned a New Badge!

    29. Sea Survival Workshop Review

    30. Sea Survival Workshop Poster

    31. See You Next Time!

    1. Activity Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    2. Know, Wonder, and Learn: Killer Whale Edition

    3. Welcome to Lesson 3!

    4. True or False?

    5. Video: Killer Impressionist

    6. True or False?

    7. Video: Inside the Killer Whale Matriarchy

    8. True or False?

    9. Orca Ecotypes

    10. What do Southern Resident Killer Whales eat?

    11. Quizlet - Killer Whale Ecotypes in the Pacific Northwest

    12. Video: Wave Washing - Orcas Prey On Seal

    13. Activity Time: Killer Whale Word Search

    14. Three Line Poem

    15. Water Pollution: A Threat to Killer Whales

    16. Creating a Contaminated Food Chain

    17. Bioaccumulation is...

    18. Where Does Water Pollution Come From?

    19. Video: How We Impact Water Health

    20. Polluting Products...

    21. What's in your home?

    22. How Can YOU Help Killer Whales?

    23. How YOU Can Reduce Water Pollution

    24. Say "No" to Litter

    25. Clean Up Your Community

    26. Use Ocean Friendly Products

    27. Test Yourself on Quizlet!

    28. Your Mission and Challenge!

    29. Congratulations! You’ve Earned a New Badge!

    30. Impact survey

    31. Sea Survival Workshop Review

    32. Sea Survival Workshop Poster

    33. See You Next Time!

    1. Activity Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    2. Welcome to Lesson 4!

    3. Fun Fact Flashcards

    4. Video: Watch As This Octopus Changes Colours

    5. Activity Time: Octopus Word Search

    6. Quizlet - Octopus Vocabulary Match

    7. Octopuses and the Threat of Warm Water

    8. Video: How Does an Octopus Breathe?

    9. Warm Water: A Threat to Octopuses

    10. Dissolved Oxygen in Warm vs. Cold Water

    11. If the oceans become warmer...

    12. Warming Waters Around the World

    13. Video: Understanding Earth's Atmosphere

    14. Understanding Earth's Atmosphere

    15. Video: Why are Oceans Warming?

    16. Why Are Oceans Warming?

    17. Video: Where Does Carbon Dioxide Come From?

    18. Where Does Carbon Dioxide Come From?

    19. Examples of fossil fuels

    20. Your Carbon Footprint

    21. Video: Your Carbon Footprint

    22. How Can YOU Help Octopuses?

    23. How YOU Can Help Keep Oceans Cool

    24. Turn off the Lights

    25. Take Shorter Showers

    26. Change Your Clothes

    27. Walk or Bike Instead of Driving

    28. Keep Learning - and Teach Others!

    29. Test Yourself on Quizlet!

    30. Your Mission and Challenge!

    31. Congratulations! You’ve Earned a New Badge!

    32. Sea Survival Workshop Review

    33. Sea Survival Workshop Poster

    34. See You Next Time!

    1. Activity Book - Click it, Print it, Do it!

    2. Welcome to Lesson 5!

    3. Can Paloma Share 20 Facts in 2 Minutes?

    4. How Many Facts Can You Remember?

    5. Activity Time: How to Draw a Sea Star

    6. Sam's Sea Star

    7. Sea Star Species

    8. Video: Sea Star Species

    9. Quizlet: Sea Star Species Match

    10. Activity Time: Sea Star Word Search

    11. Sea Star Acrostic Poem

    12. A Quick Warning

    13. See, Think, Wonder: Sea Stars Edition

    14. Sea Star Wasting Disease: A Threat to Sea Stars

    15. Wasting Disease

    16. Video: A Closer Look At Sea Star Wasting Disease

    17. What Can We Do to Help Sea Stars?

    18. Can You Spot the Wasting Disease?

    19. What Can We Do to Help Sea Stars?

    20. Video: Why Are Oceans Getting Warmer?

    21. How Can YOU Help Sea Stars?

    22. How YOU Can Help Sea Stars

    23. Identify and Report Sea Star Wasting Disease

    24. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

    25. Keep Learning - and Teach Others!

    26. Test Yourself on Quizlet!

    27. Your Mission and Challenge!

    28. Congratulations! You’ve Earned a New Badge!

    29. Impact Survey

    30. Sea Survival Workshop Review

    31. Sea Survival Workshop Poster

    32. See You Next Time!

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 242 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content