Life Below Water: Ocean Conservation Course
This is a course for high school students who are interested in ocean conservation and want to learn about the big issues threatening the oceans and actions we can take to address these issues.
Download Handbook
How to use Thinkific
Chapter 1 - Importance of our Oceans
Sustainable Development Goals
Activity - Interconnections between SDGs
Takeaways from SDG Interconnections Activity
SDG5 - Gender Equality
SDG13 - Life Below Water
Ocean Quiz
Video - Sylvia Earle
Collaborative Care (intersection of agriculture and aquaculture)
Video - Changing how we farm
Video - Aquaponic farms
Quizlet: Collaborative Care
Ocean Literacy
Mentor Spotlight: Roshni Mangar
Quizlet: Ocean Conservation Vocabulary
Ocean Threats
Chapter 2 - Biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas
The Threat of Biodiversity Loss & the Impact on Ecosystems
Activity: Southern Resident Killer whales & Boat Noise
Trophic Cascades
Activity - Pick your Ecosystem
Marine Protected Areas
Why are MPAs Important?
Cabo Pulmo MPA
Marine Protected Areas Mapping Activity
Mentor Spotlight: Veronica Relaño
Chapter 3 - Climate Action
Threats of Climate Change: What Are Greenhouses Gases?
Video - What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Threats of Climate Change : What is Sea Level Rise?
How does Sea Level Rise Occur?
The Importance of Sea Level Rise
Video - What Causes Sea Level Rise? (Stop at 2:30)
Activity - Analysing Sea Level
Threats of Climate Change: How Currents are Changing
Threats of Climate Change: Ocean Acidification
Case Study: Coral Reefs
Mentor Spotlight: Caroline Graham
Chapter 4 - Fishing and Ocean Farming
Video - Consequences of Overfishing
What Impacts Overfishing?
Sustainable Fishing
Harmful fishing methods
Sustainable Fishing Methods
Video - Sustainable Fishing
Open-Net Pen Fish Farms
Video - Open-Net Pens
Activity - Choose Your Own Sustainable Fishing Adventure
On-Land Aquaculture
Mentor Spotlight - Michelle Franze
Activity - Environmental Impacts from Boating
Chapter 5 - Cleaning the Oceans
Video - Can the Ocean Run out of Oxygen? (stop at 2:45)
Reducing Eutrophication
Toxic Chemicals
Video - Water Contamination
What Products Contain Toxic Chemicals?
Video - PFAS
Mentor Spotlight: Vanessa Zahner
Plastic Pollution
Video - The Story of Plastic (Animated Short)
What Activities can Contribute to Microplastics in our Water?
Plastic Alternatives
Linear vs Circular Economy
Video - Circular Economy