Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Download Handbook

    3. How to use Thinkific

    1. Chapter 1 - Importance of our Oceans

    2. Sustainable Development Goals

    3. Activity - Interconnections between SDGs

    4. Takeaways from SDG Interconnections Activity

    5. SDG5 - Gender Equality

    6. SDG13 - Life Below Water

    7. Ocean Quiz

    8. Video - Sylvia Earle

    9. Collaborative Care (intersection of agriculture and aquaculture)

    10. Video - Changing how we farm

    11. Video - Aquaponic farms

    12. Quizlet: Collaborative Care

    13. Ocean Literacy

    14. Mentor Spotlight: Roshni Mangar

    15. Quizlet: Ocean Conservation Vocabulary

    16. Ocean Threats

    1. Chapter 2 - Biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas

    2. The Threat of Biodiversity Loss & the Impact on Ecosystems

    3. Activity: Southern Resident Killer whales & Boat Noise

    4. Trophic Cascades

    5. Activity - Pick your Ecosystem

    6. Marine Protected Areas

    7. Why are MPAs Important?

    8. Cabo Pulmo MPA

    9. Marine Protected Areas Mapping Activity

    10. Mentor Spotlight: Veronica Relaño

    1. Chapter 3 - Climate Action

    2. Introduction

    3. Threats of Climate Change: What Are Greenhouses Gases?

    4. Video - What is the Greenhouse Effect?

    5. Threats of Climate Change : What is Sea Level Rise?

    6. How does Sea Level Rise Occur?

    7. The Importance of Sea Level Rise

    8. Video - What Causes Sea Level Rise? (Stop at 2:30)

    9. Activity - Analysing Sea Level

    10. Threats of Climate Change: How Currents are Changing

    11. Threats of Climate Change: Ocean Acidification

    12. Case Study: Coral Reefs

    13. Mentor Spotlight: Caroline Graham

    1. Chapter 4 - Fishing and Ocean Farming

    2. Overfishing

    3. Video - Consequences of Overfishing

    4. What Impacts Overfishing?

    5. Sustainable Fishing

    6. Harmful fishing methods

    7. Sustainable Fishing Methods

    8. Video - Sustainable Fishing

    9. Open-Net Pen Fish Farms

    10. Video - Open-Net Pens

    11. Activity - Choose Your Own Sustainable Fishing Adventure

    12. On-Land Aquaculture

    13. Mentor Spotlight - Michelle Franze

    14. Activity - Environmental Impacts from Boating

    15. Reflection

    1. Chapter 5 - Cleaning the Oceans

    2. Eutrophication

    3. Video - Can the Ocean Run out of Oxygen? (stop at 2:45)

    4. Reducing Eutrophication

    5. Toxic Chemicals

    6. Video - Water Contamination

    7. What Products Contain Toxic Chemicals?

    8. PFAS

    9. Video - PFAS

    10. Mentor Spotlight: Vanessa Zahner

    11. Plastic Pollution

    12. Video - The Story of Plastic (Animated Short)

    13. What Activities can Contribute to Microplastics in our Water?

    14. Plastic Alternatives

    15. Linear vs Circular Economy

    16. Video - Circular Economy

About this course

  • Free
  • 86 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content