Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Course Resources

    3. Online Educator Demographic Form - please complete before proceeding

    1. Lesson One - Preparations

    2. Chapter 1 Learning Outcomes

    3. Chapter 1 Introduction

    4. What is a Species at Risk? (Discussion)

    5. How is "At Risk" Defined?

    6. Major Ocean Threats (Discussion)

    7. The Salish Sea

    8. Species in the Spotlight

    9. Southern Resident Killer Whales

    10. Video: A Window Into the Lives of Southern Resident Killer Whales

    11. Southern Resident Killer Whales (Reflection)

    12. Echolocation Activity

    13. What is Causing Underwater Noise Pollution?

    14. Underwater Noise Pollution

    15. What is Happening to Salmon Populations? (Discussion)

    16. A New View On Killer Whales

    17. Why Don't Orcas Eat Something Else?

    18. Environmental Contamination (Discussion)

    19. Biomagnification

    20. Effects of Environmental Contamination

    21. Break

    22. Steller Sea Lions

    23. Video: Steller Sea Lions

    24. Threats to the Steller Sea Lion

    25. Sea Lion Rescue Video

    26. Entanglement - Discussion

    27. Break

    28. Basking Sharks

    29. Basking Sharks - Video

    30. Filter Feeders - Discussion

    31. Threats to the Basking Shark - Discussion

    32. Bycatch - Video

    33. What is Bycatch? - Discussion

    34. Leatherback Sea Turtles

    35. Leatherback Sea Turtles - Video

    36. Jellyfish or Not A Jellyfish? - Discussion

    37. Plastic Pollution Facts - Video

    38. What Makes Plastic a Problem? - Discussion

    39. Recap Today's Lessons

    40. Chapter 1 Conclusion

    1. What You Will Need to Start This Lesson

    2. Chapter 2: Learning Outcomes

    3. Chapter 2: Introduction

    4. Plastic Pollution

    5. Video: Sea Turtle and Straw (Warning: Graphic Content)

    6. Sea Turtle Video (Reflection)

    7. Straws Suck!

    8. The 5 Rs (Discussion)

    9. Plastic Pollution Extension (Optional Activity)

    10. Entanglement

    11. Video: Ghost Nets

    12. Reducing Entanglement (Reflection)

    13. Entanglement (Optional Extension)

    14. Entanglement (Project Examples)

    15. Need A Break?

    16. Underwater Noise Pollution

    17. Video: Reducing Underwater Noise Pollution (06:00 - 08:00)

    18. Underwater Noise Pollution (Reflection)

    19. Underwater Noise Pollution Activity (Optional)

    20. Underwater Noise Pollution Example Projects

    21. Fisheries Bycatch

    22. Video: Sustainable Seafood

    23. Sustainable Seafood (Reflection)

    24. Bycatch Extension (Optional Activity)

    25. Bycatch Project Examples

    26. Need A Break?

    27. Environmental Contamination

    28. Video: Biomagnification (2:20-5:25)

    29. Environmental Contamination (Reflection)

    30. Video: Reducing Environmental Contamination

    31. Reducing Environmental Contamination (Reflection)

    32. Environmental Contamination Extension Activity (Optional)

    33. Environmental Contamination Project Examples

    34. Video: Chapter 2 Conclusion

    1. Note To Teachers

    2. What You Will Need For This Lesson

    3. Chapter 3 Learning Outcomes

    4. Chapter 3 Introduction

    5. Why Should We Help? (Discussion)

    6. Project Planning (Brainstorm 1)

    7. Video: Measuring Your Impact

    8. Project Planning (Brainstorm 2)

    9. Video: Setting SMART Goals

    10. Project Planning (Brainstorm 3)

    11. Video: Student Project Example

    12. Project Presentations

    13. Peer Feedback (Optional)

    14. Project Presentation Teacher Rubric (Optional)

    15. Chapter 3 Conclusion

    1. We Want to Hear From You!

    2. Action Project Submission

    3. Optional Demographics and Feedback Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 95 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content