Course curriculum

    1. Online Educator Demographic Form - please complete before proceeding

    2. Google Doc: Teacher Information SARES Online

    3. Vocabulary

    4. BC Curriculum Connections

    5. Lesson 1 - Teacher Talking Points

    6. Lesson 2 - Teacher Talking Points

    7. Lesson 3 - Teacher Talking Points

    8. Lesson 3 - Action Project Information

    9. Lesson 3 - Grades 4-7 Worksheet - Print 1 per group

    10. Lesson 3 - Grades 8-12 Worksheet - Print 1 per group

    11. Post Lesson 3 - Grades 4-7 Project Presentation Rubric (optional)

    12. Post Lesson 3 - Grades 8-12 Project Presentation Rubric (optional)

    1. Lesson 1 Preparations

    2. Learning Outcomes

    3. Activity: Web of Life

    4. Web of Life Discussion

    5. The Salish Sea

    6. Video: Killer Whales in BC

    7. Discussion: Killer Whales

    8. Guess the Ecotype Game

    9. Optional Extension Activities: Killer Whales

    10. Salt vs. Fresh Water

    11. Salmon True or False

    12. Fast Facts: Chinook Salmon

    13. Fast Facts: Coho Salmon

    14. Fast Facts: Sockeye Salmon

    15. Optional Extension Activities: Pacific Salmon

    16. Fast Facts: Eulachon

    17. Video: Cultural Importance of Eulachon

    18. Activity: How Big?

    19. Fast Facts: White Sturgeon

    20. Discussion: Importance of these species

    21. Cultural Importance

    22. Species at Risk Mini Quiz

    23. Action Projects

    1. Lesson 2 Preparations

    2. Lesson 2 Learning Outcomes

    3. Lesson 1 Review

    4. Aquatic Threats Activity

    5. Grades 4-7 Activity Option 1: Species at Risk Jeopardy

    6. Grades 4-7 Activity Option 2: Salmon Relay

    7. Grades 8-12 Activity 1: Jigsaw Learning

    8. Grades 8-12 Activity 2: Species at Risk Jeopardy

    9. Optional Extension Activities: Marine Threats

    10. Discussion: What can we do?

    11. Action Projects

    12. Video: Be the Change - 2020 Ocean Awareness Contest

    13. Discussion: What are you interested in doing to help species at risk?

    14. Optional Extension Activities: Giving Back to Nature

    1. Note to Teachers

    2. Lesson 3 Preparations

    3. Lesson 3 Learning Outcomes

    4. Action Projects!

    5. Video: Example Student Action Project

    6. Brainstorm 1

    7. Project ideas

    8. Video: Be the exception - 2018 Ocean Awareness Contest

    9. Brainstorm 2

    10. Brainstorm 3

    11. Video: Setting SMART Goals - Responsive Classroom

    12. Brainstorm 4

    13. Next Steps

    14. Project Presentations

    1. We want to hear from you!

    2. Impact Data Reporting

    3. Grades 4-7 Feedback Survey

    4. Grades 8-12 Feedback Survey

    5. Teacher Feedback Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 68 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content